53-594 Kamehameha Hwy., Hauula, Hawai’i 96717

July 2009 Google Street View Image

Key Info:
Property Description: Former Oceanside Hawaii Assisted Living facility, 87,411
sq. ft.
Fee Type: Leasehold
Open House: None
Auction Date & Time: 1/23/2025, 12pm
Auction Location: 777 Punchbowl St.
Amount Owed: $8,315,189.57 as of 8/1/24
Interest: 10%/year
Initial Auction Winner & Amount: TBD
Re-Open Bidding Amount: Winning bid * 1.05
Confirmation Hearing Date & Time: TBD, 9am with Judge Ashford, 777 Punchbowl St.

Fact Sheet:

Property Profile: Coming Soon
Property Details:

Robertson Investments, LLC vs. TrueCare LLC, et al. Civil No. 1CCV-24-0000939 (DEO) 53-594 Kamehameha Hwy., Hauula, Hawai’i 96717 TMK: (1) 5-3-009-058 Property: This leasehold property is the former Oceanside Hawaii Assisted Living facility which was closed in 2021. It has 115 rooms plus support services, i.e., kitchen,conference, meeting rooms and offices. This property currently has no running water, no electricity and is in a state of disrepair. Please DO NOT attempt to visit the property. Open House: No Open Houses will be held AUCTION DATE: January 23, 2025 at 12:00 noon, Ewa Courtyard, First Circuit Court, 777 Punchbowl St, Hon., HI. TERMS OF SALE: No upset price. Property sold in “AS IS” condition, without any express or implied warranties or representations of any kind, at public auction, subject to any real property taxes with 10% of highest bid payable in certified or cashier’s check at close of auction, balance payable upon delivery of conveyance document. Potential bidders must be able to provide proof of ability to comply with 10% of bid requirement prior to participating in the public auction. Buyer shall pay all costs of closing including escrow, conveyance & recordation fees, conveyance taxes and is responsible for securing possession of the property upon recordation. The inability of the Buyer to secure title insurance and/or financing shall not be a condition of closing. SALE SUBJECT TO COURT CONFIRMATION. For further information please contact: Commissioner Wayne Sakamoto, 810 Richards St, Ste 790
Hon., HI 96813 Tel: (808) 528-5567 E-Mail: wsakamoto@hawaiiantel.net
(SA1478428 12/22, 12/29/24, 1/05/25)